Our synagogue’s common basket of High Holy Days touchstones includes the sounds of the shofar, white Torah covers, too many people in the lobby instead of the sanctuary, melodies we look forward to singing every year, and an Israel Bonds appeal.
Among the items in the basket the sounds of the shofar and Israel Bonds have the most in common because they link us to our history, our land, and our tradition. These timeless elements of our heritage inspire us, strengthen us, and connect us to Israel.
Making that connection through purchasing an Israel Bond requires a little more effort than listening to the sounds of the shofar but it’s never been easier.
- Invest online at israelbonds.com or via our app
- SHALOM BONDS (NEW) for donations to your synagogue or favorite causes: start at $36 and increments of $1 (online only)
- Name and address only for gift bonds – no SSN required
- eMazel Bonds start $36 and increments of $1 (online) and Mazel Tov
bonds start at $100 and increments of $1
- Bonds are issued in book entry form – no more certificates; redemption checks mailed automatically at maturity
The Israel Bonds program is a positive proactive economic expression of our attachment to Israel and each bond purchased today is still embedded with layers of mitzvah, Jewish heritage, and our tradition just like the first sold 70 years ago. The funds generated by the sale of Israel bonds help grow and strengthen Israel’s economy for all citizens of Israel and strengthen Israel for global leadership in humanitarian aid, technology, and tolerance.
As the sounds of the shofar blend into our High Holy Days prayers for
- a virus-free world
- an end to surging Anti-Semitism in the streets, social media, and remarks of public officials
The sounds of the shofar also inspire us to celebrate the New Year 5783 by sharing an Israel Bond with a family member or by donating a Shalom Bond to your synagogue or favorite cause/agency/institution.
Like hearing the sounds of the shofar purchasing, gifting, or donating an Israel Bond is a connection that never gets old – it just gets stronger.
Development Corporation for Israel. Issues subject to availability. This is not an offering, which can be made only by prospectus. Read the prospectus carefully before investing to fully evaluate the risks associate with investing in Israel bonds. Member FINRA