Bonding with History: A 70th Anniversary Narrative

What's Your Story?

Susan Weikers Remembering a Giant

I became involved with Israel Bonds in my 20s and, although I was recruited by New Leadership, I also became active with the Women's Division. I was invited by Sam Rothberg, one of the founders of Israel Bonds, to participate in the Prime Minister's Conference in Jerusalem. Sam was the ultimate leader. As he spoke the last evening in the Knesset's Chagall Hall, emphasizing the importance of investing in Israel bonds, I was in awe of his dignity, presence and fierce belief that we were privileged to participate in this magnificent effort. I shared this with him years later, after becoming the first woman appointed national chair of our great organization. In the letter Sam wrote, he gave me a treasured compliment: "You are among the most involved, hardest working chairs in the history of Bonds. For you Bonds is not a sideline." I am so proud to have been mentored by the best, and now, it's my turn to mentor future leaders.