Israel Bonds bid farewell to retiring Finance Ministry Accountant General Rony Hizkiyahu during an October 26 Zoom event. Israel Maimon began the tribute, declaring, “As an Israeli citizen and president and CEO of Israel Bonds, I say toda raba,” with National and International Board Chairman Howard L. Goldstein adding, “When it came to Israel Bonds, Rony was always warm, engaging and supportive.”
Rony Hizkiyahu was always a welcome speaker at Israel Bonds events (Photo: Shahar Azran)
Accolades also came from National New Leadership co-chairs Teri Herbstman and Jason Langsner, saying, “On behalf of the next generation of Bonds leaders, we honor Rony for his support, encouragement and perpetuation of the storied partnership between the Finance Ministry and Israel Bonds.”
In an emotional response, Rony said, “The relationship we have with one another – investor and state – is truly special. Thank you for what you do to make the bonds between us unbreakable.”
Hizkiyahu was honored with the Hatikvah/Hope of Israel Award, the inscription of which read, ‘Presented to Rony Hizkiyahu, in recognition of outstanding achievements in positioning Israel’s economy among the world’s best, and for his warm association with Israel Bonds.’
Accountant General Rony Hizkiyahu admires the Hatikvah/Hope of Israel Award presented
to him by Israel Bonds (Photo: Sara Friedman)
A video tribute to Rony Hizkiyahu can be seen here.