Israel Bonds recently hosted three events with renowned Nazi hunters Serge and Beate Klarsfeld. From an intimate parlor meeting with 60 attendees, co-hosted by Bank Leumi on New York’s Upper West Side, to a 500+ maximum capacity crowd at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun on the Upper East Side, the Klarsfelds discussed their decades-long determination to bring Nazi war criminals to justice. The couple, considered heroes of the Jewish people, concluded their New York speaking engagements at The Hampton Synagogue in Westhampton Beach, where they addressed 150 participants.
Serge and Beate Klarsfeld (center) with, from left: Rabbi Zev J. Brenner, President
and Executive Producer,Talkline Communications Network; Andrew Chase,Israel Bonds
Executive Director New York Region; Michael Zaremsky,Bank Leumi USA Head of U.S.
Private Banking; and Chagit Raskin, Relationship Manager for Leumi Private Bank,at a
parlor meeting on New York's Upper West Side
The Klarsfelds (center) with guests at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun
Attendees gather for group photo with the Klarsfelds at Westhampton Beach
The renowned Nazi hunters conclude their New York speaking engagments at
The Hampton Synagogue
(Photos: Yohann Soussan)